Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
Pricing is simple and affordable. The initial visit is $500 and $300 for each additional functional medicine follow up. Once a patient is established, the can be seen in person or virtually for acute care visits for $150.
Why not insurance?
Many of the therapies are not covered under insurance. Insurance is often based on time and the visits at Salt Functional Medicine are longer in duration. Additionally, insurance can create roadblocks and access to certain treatments.
What’s included in the first visit?
The first visit will be very comprehensive. Past medical records are reviewed in depth, labs are reviewed, new tests are ordered if needed, and you will have the time needed to fully explain medical issues and needs. Additionally, you will be provided with a comprehensive care plan following the first visit.
Can you be my primary care provider?
Yes, Salt Functional Medicine is a primary care practice that specializes in functional medicine.
How do you differ from my regular primary care provider?
Salt Functional Medicine is comprehensive precision and cellular based medicine. We look at the root cause of illnesses, and then build a plan to have our patients perform at their maximum potential for years to come. Being “not sick” is not enough. Prevention of disease is equally as important as treating diseases. Additionally, patient’s should have prompt access to medical staff and should not be constantly referred to specialists unless absolutely necessary.
Do you see kids?
Absolutely, however we do not function as a primary pediatrician or administer vaccinations. Common pediatric issues we see include chronic asthma, eczema, ear infections, GI issues, and attention deficit.